Tips for Choosing Reptile Terrarium

Tips for Choosing Reptile Terrarium

Reptiles are increasing in popularity as pets due to their ease of maintenance and low space requirement. While cats and dogs continue to be the most popular pets, busy millennials are now showing interest in reptiles, which do not need as much attention as cats and dogs do. All that a reptile needs is good food and proper shelter. The terrarium you pick to house a reptile defines its comfort of staying with you. Here are a few factors to consider when choosing a shelter.




The settings of the terrarium you choose vary with the reptile you choose. For instance, the ideal enclosures for lizards and snakes are front-open ones. A top-open terrarium may look threatening to the reptile when you put your hand to open it, as it looks like a predatory bird.


It is easy to lift turtles from a top-open terrarium. Given their aquatic habitat, turtles belong to a classic top-open tank.  




While reptiles can survive in small-sized enclosures, a spacious terrarium can keep the pet more comfortable. A lizard may need a 30-gallon tank, and the appropriate size for a ball python can be 70 gallons. Small reptiles like crocodile skinks, young dragons, and leopard geckos need a 20-gallon tank. You may consider the Reptiles Aquarium for these animals.




The reptile tank should be well-ventilated for your pet to feel at ease as it does in its natural habitat. Proper ventilation keeps the reptile active and healthy. Glass slides allow for sufficient light.




Reptile terrariums need regular cleaning, just like the houses of other species. Having a removable mesh door can make the cleaning and maintenance of the tank easy.


You may browse through online pet stores for more products.

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